Conference Facilitation Services

We’re the experts in virtual conference facilitation and training

Our facilitators are available to assist with the execution of your online conference. We can provide Master Facilitators to manage plenary engagement, lead breakout sessions, and conduct panel discussions.

Our Services:

  • Organize Virtual Session
  • Training Services Facilitators
  • Provide Professional Facilitators

Organize Virtual Session:

We can help design your entire virtual conference to a successful, memorable online event.

Training Services Facilitators:

Training: We can train your session speakers on the strategies and techniques that will ensure your conference attendees enjoy their experience.

Training content: If you would like to add training content to your event on topics like leadership, communication, emotional intelligence and more, we have over 50 classes we teach and a network of 27 amazing facilitators and trainers.

Provide Professional:

We facilitate Strategic Planning Sessions, Board Retreats, Advisory Board Meetings, and Conferences.

What we provide to our clients:

  • Catalogues of the conference/Webinar
  • Brochures of the conference/Webinar
  • Pamphlets of the conference/Webinar
  • Flyers of the conference/Webinar
  • Anything that needs to be designed for conference

How we manage Conference/Webinar:

Data collection

Our accurate data collection will not let this happen. We collect user’s data according to their interest, exposure, and relevance with the topic.

Our client can view the data updation at any time.


Our expert team gives special attention in accumulating error-free data. Also, no duplicate data is collected.

Real time visibility

We understand how trusting people, no matter of their expertise can be difficult. Hence, we strictly follow “no hidden policy” with our clients.

Event Promotion

Promoting an event is as much needed as conducting it. This is the only way of letting people know what are you upto. Due to our approaches and years of experience, we know how to target specific groups that are available online to promote the event.

Our promoting methods include:

  • Developing professional email campaigns.
  • Sending direct invitations to potential audience.
  • Promoting events with branded websites.
  • Designing promotional materials like brochure and e-flyers.
  • Distributing promotional materials widely.
  • Keeping participants up-to-date and engaged throughout the conference.
  • Maintaining a healthy onsite communication with participants like program guides.
  • Gaining participants’ feedback after conference which can be utilized for future conferences.